Look Out the Window

I’m excited to share that I’ll be starting this new series on the blog called the Doodling Series. Art and doodles are like my long lost companions. Though writing is something I’ve been doing for the past few years, art has always been my first love. After ignoring my love for doodling and painting for over two decades, I finally decided to get back and try my hand at them. My recent posts on zentangle were the outcomes of this effort. Now with the doodling series, I intent to attain the motivation to draw, sketch or doodle. Though these doodles won’t be flawless, my intention is to observe the improvement or betterment as I move forward with the series.

I shall continue to write, but posting a doodle once in a while on the blog wouldn’t cause harm I feel 🙂

Look out the window

Growing up has lesser perks to life than we expect as a child. As a kid, we crave to grow up faster to escape the hassles of NOT being an adult. But only when we get to adulthood do we realize how ignorant we really were as a kid! Life and its experiences teach us many things, but at the same time, we tend to lose some of the most valuable sensibilities we had as a child. Few among them are the wonder, curiosity and the ability to wish and dream.  Continue reading “Look Out the Window”

Historical Heritage

The moment I saw the word Heritage, I had two pictures in my mind. While the first one is synonymous with my childhood, the second one was a dream destination I considered as a child. So, I have two entries for this week’s photo challenge.

I left Mumbai when it was Bombay with beyond wonderful childhood memories. As years passed, my memory of Bombay was restricted to my personal experiences and very few places and monuments that I remembered as a kid. The foremost one was the Gateway of India and the next was the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. These two monuments indeed emanate Heritage, given their historical significance. These photographs were taken during my last visit to Mumbai after 20 long years! As I stood admiring the Heritage of Mumbai, my vague memory was brought back to life and I cherished every moment of it!

Gateway of India and Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Mumbai

My second entry for this week’s photo challenge is this phenomenal lady with the lamp. The very thought of USA always popped up one image in my mind all my life- The Statue of Liberty. This National monument of the States is an epitome of great historical importance and heritage. This photograph was taken during my visit to the Statue of Liberty Monument on Liberty Island, New York.

Statue of Liberty, New York


Weekly Photo Challenge– Heritage

#AtoZChallenge 2017- Reflections

survivor-atoz [2017] v1

This was my second attempt with AtoZ Challenge. My first stint was last year as a newbie. Though I knew what to expect this year, I wasn’t sure if I would be surviving  as I had a lot going on. But nevertheless, I tried. I wanted to try rather than giving up right from the beginning. As always, the challenge has helped in many ways both in writing and also about learning a bit more about myself.

Continue reading “#AtoZChallenge 2017- Reflections”

#AtoZChallenge- Zentangle

Zentangle is my new found love. It is an art form where repeated patterns are drawn in a structured manner. This art is a great way to relax, rejuvenate and focus. I consider this highly therapeutic and have been trying my hand a lot on it lately. Zentangle helps me regain my long lost focus.

Here are two ‘inspired’ Zentangle versions of Disney princesses.

Say Hello to Zentangled Elsa from Frozen! I used Sharpie pointed marker to do this.

Elsa- Frozen
Here is Jasmine from Aladin in my zentangled version. I used Micron pointed tip pens for this to make subtle details pop.

JasmineI plan to do more in the Disney series and will keep posting as I do. Here is my other post on Zentangle art- Pattern Art

#AtoZChallenge- Yours Truly

An open letter to my 20 year old self:

Dear 20 year old self,

First of all, congratulations for making it this far! This 20 year old journey of yours has been remarkable. You’ve worked hard enough to reach your academic goals. I know that you are currently working towards your next one on the checklist-a good job. Well great! I highly appreciate your zeal and seriousness in life in this aspect. Though I appreciate your clear vision on what to do next, I also noticed your attitude of trying to get done with crucial things and then anticipate time for enjoyment or relaxation. It’s good to take seriousness in working towards something, but waiting for the end of it and then think about what really fascinates you is mere foolishness! I know I sound rude, but the fact is there will never be time for you to try or do anything your passionate about. I know you never studied just for the heck of it, I know you enjoyed your educational journey thus far. But my dear, life isn’t always about clearing exams or accomplishing goals with the view of seeing the light at the end of tunnel.  Continue reading “#AtoZChallenge- Yours Truly”

#AtoZChallenge- Xanthophobia

Jason was seven and was waiting at the bus stop with his dad for his bus. After a few minutes he was excited to look at the school bus approaching. But in a fraction of few seconds, the yellow school bus was hit hard by a speeding truck with a rash driver. The bus immediately burst into flames and Jason froze with shock, though his dad tried hard to take him away from the spot. Continue reading “#AtoZChallenge- Xanthophobia”

#AtoZChallenge- Weather Way

When I moved to the States, I found many things, habits and practices fascinating. One among them has to be the inevitable role played by the weather in everyday life. Coming from a tropical country, weather was never really an issue, apart from heavy downpour once in a blue moon.  The transition from a hot and dry climate of South India to cold and snowy weather of Mid Western United States hasn’t been easy for me. Climate was a huge part of my culture shock during the initial stages. Continue reading “#AtoZChallenge- Weather Way”

#AtoZChallenge- Visualization 

Visualization is a great way to improve the path to success and to make it easier to achieve our aspirations and goals. It has the power to subconsciously make us stronger and more inclined towards achieving  what we strive for. Visualization is nothing but a process of visualizing something that we want to gain or become. Apart from working hard, visualizing that perfect shot if you’re a sportsperson, that ideal weight if you’re struggling to lose weight or that dream house if you’re planning to build one, will lead to higher rates of success in your chosen path! Continue reading “#AtoZChallenge- Visualization “

#AtoZChallenge- Uber

Uber conversations are sometimes like a breath of fresh air, surprisingly enlightening and sometimes, even a life saver! Ben was having a hard day, he had to leave his car at the service center after it broke down. He requested for a ride on Uber and waited helplessly at the auto service. He notice a white Lexus car approaching and realized it’s the Uber driver Jack. He gets in..

Jack: Hey there Ben? How’re you doing?

Ben: Hey, how’s it going?

Jack: Heading Downtown?

Ben: Yup

Jack: How was your day?

Ben: Mmm…, wasn’t great. My car broke down, had to leave it at the auto service.

Jack: Oh no! Was it that bad? 

Ben: Well yeah, should be done by tomorrow. Until then Uber it is!

Jack: Haha, Cool! So what do you do?

Ben: I’m into Digital Marketing and I work for…., sorry I used to work. Recently I lost my job as they had to cut down resources.

Jack: I’m so sorry, that’s too bad. Was it all off a sudden?

Ben: Well, technically yeah. They gave us a heads up before two days that we could expect lay offs. But that wasn’t of much help.

Jack: Hmmm, so currently looking for a job?

Ben: Yeah, job hunting. Gave a few interviews but still waiting to hear back. Can you please take left here?

Jack: Oh sure, the GPS on the app wasn’t taking me left, sorry about that!

Ben: Haha, that’s alright! You can stop here.

Jack: Alrighty. Hey Ben.., I have a…small Digital Marketing firm, may be you can find something that interests you. 

Ben: Oh that’s great!!

Jack: Here’s my card, give me a call and later we can set up an interview for you if interested.

Ben: Oh, thanks a lot Jack! Will surely give you call, thank you very much for the offer!

Jack: No problem man! Have a good night!

Ben: Sure I will! Good night and see you soon! 


#AtoZChallenge- Teetotaler’s Tale

Meera and team were heading to their project success party at a client’s location. As the celebrations began, people flocked towards the bar for drinks. Meera browsed through the menu for non alcoholic beverages apart from soda. But as usual, she couldn’t find anything and even if she did, her options would be very limited. As she sat sighing at having only soda again, she saw her team mates approaching her with a bunch of beer bottles.

You want a beer? They have some flavored ones you could try”, offered her colleague. “Oh, that’s great! Mmm, I don’t drink, but thanks”, she smiled. “Oh okay”, her colleague threw a weird smile. The same story at every party Meera attends. She headed to the bar to ask for options. All she could get was some juice but the bar tender was generous enough and offered to make her some virgin mojito though it wasn’t on the menu. “Oh well, something is better than nothing”, she thought.

After few casual conversations and roaming around congratulating one another, Meera couldn’t stop wondering about her habit for being ‘non-alcoholic’, for the way she was often questioned about it. As she sat down sipping in her mojito, she was reminded of how her friends considered her ‘old fashioned’ and often commented that she doesn’t know how to have fun, just because she doesn’t drink. “Why is it so hard to accept a teetotaler? What’s questionable in making a choice of what to eat or drink? Well may be, the world has a habit of questioning anything that isn’t obvious”, she wondered.

Most parties even forget there exist people who don’t take alcohol and there are hardly any choices apart from water. “Well, my choice of being sober is a sin these days, as at the end of the day I’m often judged and considered to be boring, anti- social or depressing”, she sighed. How can a choice of beverage decide someone’s personality? “Well, whatever! I don’t drink because I don’t want to and not because I can’t, so I don’t have to give any explanations”, she thought to herself and continued enjoying her minted virgin mojito.