#AtoZChallenge- Fondness for Fakeness

Ria sat down browsing pictures from her recent couple shoot. She was excited at the number of high definition professional photographs that came out really well. So well, that she had a hard time choosing the best one to post on social media. Though she was immersed in admiring her perfectly posed pictures from the photo shoot, her admiration wasn’t really from within.

She loved the way the DSLR camera captured herself and her husband in cliched poses, but a closer look at the photographs revealed the truth of what was actually missing. They had everything that could make up a beautiful, romantic picture- a picturesque location, perfect clear blue sky, their brilliantly vibrant and rich outfits that were actually in sync with their scenic background. In spite of having the best to produce best shots, the picture didn’t seem complete. Though the couple held each other close to recreate a romantic pose, there was no sign of love in their eyes. The pose couldn’t justify their chemistry nor that they were actually drawn towards each other.

Ria convinced herself of liking her photographs of fake romance. After all, she had a hard time convincing her husband for the shoot on the occasion of their anniversary. Though the couple weren’t really in a mood of celebrating the recurrence of their wedding day, she had to get a photo shoot done, just to remind the world of her marital bliss. She finally posted few of her pictures from the shoot on social media with corny captions and cheesy hashtags.

The next morning Ria woke up to more than 500 likes and hundreds of comments on her pictures. She was elated and smiled at what her friends thought of her and her marital life. She was glad at her projected fake life and the opinions of virtual stalkers. Though her husband showed no interest in the photographs nor in spending time with her on their anniversary, she was content to have found her happiness in fakeness.

22 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge- Fondness for Fakeness

  1. Wonderful short story, or is it drawn from someone’s experience? I hope not!
    But I enjoyed the read. And it’s unfortunate how it’s all about likes on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and what not these days! life has become less about living and more about approval from others!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot Aishwarya!! 🙂 Actually, I know few who do this. It’s sad, but true. :/ And cannot agree more with you, we live in a crazy generation where likes and shares define you! It’s pathetic. Thanks again for reading and sharing your thoughts!! 🙂 🙂


  2. Wonderful, again. I really like how you pick basic things from everyday life and turn it into a beautiful story. Although everyday I see someone new popping out their pre-wedding shoots or anniversary celebrations with “cheesy captions” on FB, I wonder how many of these women are genuinely happy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very true and very old attitude I think. Even without social media that we tend to blame for everything (not saying you specifically are, just in general), people cared about and kept up with appearances. It was always important to make the others think we have a great life even if we knew we didn’t. Maybe one day we’ll dare to be honest.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So very true! Just not social media, which is the latest platform, but this phenomenon of living for proving to others exists for a long time now. Thank you very much for reading and sharing your valuable thoughts! 🙂


  4. aslifehappens60

    All that time invested in photoshoot and posting pics and responding to the likes and comments on social media could have been invested instead on making the relationship work better . sad reality of the world today! Beautiful thought, written beautifully..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SO very true! There were always ways to get approval from others. It’s unfortunate to know people are more concerned about what others perceive of them rather than their own little reality. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on this! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The world in its naked, obscene form, that’s what your story has captured here. I like to think that it is beyond social media though. Yes, SM has deepened the malaise, but we humans in general have always been like that. We prefer comfortable cover-ups and façades to the painful reality. And with each passing generation, the problem worsens.
    Excellent flash fiction. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cannot agree more! Though I took the example of Social Media, as you mentioned, we humans are in general used to getting approvals from outsiders in some way or the other. ‘Log kya kahenge’ phenomenon is deep rooted unfortunately. Thank you so much for your appreciation. 🙂 🙂

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  6. Pingback: #AtoZChallenge 2017- Reflections – Aura with Writing

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