
My first glimpse of you was more than a decade ago.

The moment I saw you, was amazed at your intriguing personality. Instantly found you fascinating and my admiration for you kept intensifying.

I considered myself lucky that I got an opportunity to know you. I was elated! You were my new found love!

As years passed, I watched you evolve, take different forms. Your growth had no limits. You were mesmerizing!

You were my window to the world. You made me forget about boredom. I was never this entertained! I loved you!

Your capabilities never ceased to amuse me. You were the answer to all my questions. My world revolved around you. You made my life easy!

My intimacy with you knew no bounds. I sacrificed my cardinal relationships for spending time with you. I was addicted!

I grew so fond, I could not stay away from you! Your presence made me feel alive. You made me feel connected.

Years flew by with your company by my side. My love for you could not diminish. The more I was with you, the more I yearned for you. You were my weakness!

My day started and ended with you. Everyday I was engrossed in you. I was afraid if I could accomplish anything apart from you.

Thus I reached a dangerous phase, a version of myself I never wished to see. My addiction to you grew beyond limits. I was handicapped without you!

I became ignorant of myself. I suddenly recalled my goals. I felt like a failure chasing unwanted dreams.

My craving for you weakened my focus. I couldn’t work. I couldn’t achieve. I was unhappy.

You were painfully disturbing. My productivity was degrading. Your distraction led to destruction. You owned me. You paved way for slavery!

I realized you changed me. You drugged me, you enslaved me! You ruined my way of life. I felt powerless. I was helpless.

I wanted my life back, I wanted to let go. I craved my lost self. I wanted a break. I wanted to be free.

Then did I decide to end this bondage once for all. An end to this life of slavery. An end to  my misery.

I tried hard to overcome my addiction. Made an effort to change myself. Formulated plans to escape from this bondage. But all in vain.

Years of damage was hard to fix. I still am addicted to your fatal piece of garbage, trapped in bondage forever. Let me go, let me free!

I hate you- You hazardous Smartphone!!!